How to enjoy Summer in Berlin!

The best thing about Berlin is the summer! There is always plenty going on: numerous events, fun in the water, adventures in the great outdoors. The best of all, of course, is finally being able to be together again. The sun shows the city in its best light; everyone is in a good mood and wearing summery clothes. When the awnings are fully extended, there is simply much less to be stressed about!

Queer celebrations and festivals
In many countries, Pride Month is celebrated in June, in memory of the Stonewall riots in New York on 28Th June 1969. Berlin, on the other hand, celebrates Pride in July (find out all about CSD here). But even before and after that, numerous queer celebrations and festivals take place all over the city. The best known is the 'Lesbisch-Schwule Stadtfest' (Lesbian-Gay City Festival) in Schöneberg. In 2024, it'll take place on the 20th and 21th July. Also extremely popular is the 'CSD on the Spree', which is also known as the 'Berlin Canal Pride'. A total of 19 boats on the river will ensure the best queer atmosphere around. This year you can set sail on 25st July. You can also enjoy the summer at the 'LesBiSchwulen Parkfest'. On 10th August, the Volkspark Friedrichshain will be transformed into the queerest place in the city.
Lesbisch-Schwules Stadtfest (Lesbian-Gay City Festival)
20. and 21.07.2024
Metro Station Nollendorfplatz
Website of Lesbisch-Schwules Stadtfest
CSD auf der Spree (Berlin Canal Pride)
Website of CSD auf der Spree
Website of Dykemarch
CSD Berlin (Christopher Street Day Berlin)
Leipziger Straße/Axel-Springer-Straße, 10117 Berlin-Mitte
Metro Station Spittelmarkt
Website of Berliner CSD
LesBiSchwules Parkfest (LesBiGay Park Festival)
Volkspark Friedrichshain, Berlin-Friedrichshain
Tramway Station Platz der Vereinten Nationen
Website of LesBiSchwules Parkfest

Fun at the lake
Berlin is not located by the sea, as we all know. Fortunately, there is no shortage of beaches and bathing spots in and especially around the city. You can relax at numerous lakes in and close to Berlin, meet new friends, flirt a little, and cool off on hot summer days. One of the best-known lakes is Wannsee in the west of the city. The lido there also has a nudist area that is popular with the queer community. In recent years, however, Teufelssee has also become increasingly popular. You can find many more recommendations on lakes, beaches, and fantastic summer vibes here!
Strandbad Wannsee
Wannseebadweg 25, 14129 Berlin-Nikolassee
S-Bahn Station Nikolassee (Attention: Not S Wannsee!)
Website of Strandbad Wannsee
By the end of Teufelsseechaussee, Berlin-Grunewald
S-Bahn Station Grunewald/S Heerstraße

Chilling by the Landwehr Canal
Hot days, balmy nights: Kreuzberg just begs you to spend the summer evenings outside. Berlin's most beautiful canal, the Landwehrkanal, runs right through the middle of Kreuzberg. Trees grow along its banks, behind which are large parks and richly decorated facades of old buildings. Musicians, in particular, like to use the canal as a backdrop from the Admiralbrücke. Thanks to Spätis, as off-licence kiosks are called in Berlin, your alcohol supply is inexhaustible, so you can relax and let yourself go. That's Berlin for you!
Between Zossener Straße and Weichselstraße, Berlin-Kreuzberg and Berlin-Neukölln
Metro Station Prinzenstraße/U Kottbusser Tor

Dancing in the open air
In summer, nightlife's motto is ‘Get out into the fresh air!’ Many of the popular queer parties like 'Cocktail d'Amore' and 'Buttons' take place outside in clubs with large gardens. Open-air dance floors are provided by the 'Berghain', 'Sisyphos', 'Club der Wilden Renate', 'about blank' and 'Revier Südost' clubs, among others. The name of the 'Queer Garten' party series says it all! A positive side-effect of the Corona pandemic has resulted in many clubs having spruced up their outdoor areas in recent years. In any case, dancing is always more enjoyable when the sun slowly sets in the background and then rises again at some point.
Current dates can be found in the SIEGESSÄULE calendar.

Cruising in the park
'Grindr', 'Bumble', and 'Tinder' are all great ways to meet new people for a thrilling love affair or a quick fling. But to be honest, it usually helps, however, if you can see one another face-to-face, instead of just in photos. Maybe that's why cruising is experiencing a renaissance. The most famous cruising spot is, of course, the huge Tiergarten. However, the Volkspark Hasenheide between Neukölln and Kreuzberg is also a hot spot. Find out exactly where to go by checking out the cruising guide!
S-Bahn Station Tiergarten
Metro Station Südstern
Further information
Subscribe to Place2be.Berlin's Instagram channel for the latest info and impressions from Berlin!
The Place2be.Berlin city map shows you interesting queer locations all over Berlin.
You can find a complete overview of all events for every single da on the event pages of SIEGESSÄULE, Berlin's famous queer city magazine.
Words: Frank Schröder